The Crazy Cat Hat

I’m not one for projects like this one.  Mostly because of the time involved.  My stepdaughter, however, loved the pattern and told me she’d wear it everyday.  Tough to say no.  And when all was said and done… her teacher let her wear the hat in class for a full week.  Everywhere this cat hat goes, someone wants to put it on!


A Protein Bar and Pepperoni

Life got busy again, after a bit of a lull.  I feel like I need a lull.  Anywho, a friend asked me if I had dinner one night not too long ago.  I don’t know that I had dinner but I did have a protein bar and some pepperoni.

I had a medical thing almost 2 weeks ago now.  I’m still waiting for my pathology report and the waiting is hard.  Workouts had to go by the wayside as I recovered and I got to do a lot of “yarning.”  I hope to enter my Husker Happypotamus in the Nebraska State Fair…  but if it sells before then, I won’t enter it.  He’ll be a hard one to say goodbye to.

These are the newest happy hippos I’ve made.  I may be embarking on a new hard.  I forgot how much I like making them.  I have one that I hope to get done with by next week.  I have all the little pieces completed… just need to assemble.

Oh, and I made a couple cute cherry pie pot holders.  I think I have an aunt that would really like them.  Possible Thanksgiving type present I think.



New Goals


I am done getting married so I’m getting back into my old routine…  For the most part.  I think my gym schedule is back on track and work is always just work…  and lucky to have a good group of friend folks around me nearly everyday.  I started a top for myself.  I thought it was more hip than some of the other clothing patterns I’ve seen.  And… my next goal is to make a hippo for the Nebraska State Fair.  My sister suggested I try something like that last year when we were in Minnesota for their State Fair.  I guess I’m blogging about it because I’m going to have some time today and tomorrow to work on some crochet.  I have another biopsy that’ll leave me just a little out of commission this afternoon and maybe a bit tomorrow.  So here’s how my top is going… hopefully will have the final product completed soon!

The last photo is of the pattern I am following.  It can be found here:

Crochet an Open Fishnet Long Sleeve Shirt Project

Mine will look a bit different with the multicolor that I placed in the midsection.  I may put an accent on the sleeve, a little something funky.  🙂