How Many Days Until Christmas?

I resolved to take a break from hippos.  I’ve made so many of them and felt I needed a break.  They’re a lot of work!  So many little motifs and then assembly.

Recently got a text from a girlfriend from high school.  She wants 2 for her daughters for Christmas.  I couldn’t say no.  They put Happypotamus towards the top of their lists.  One will be hot pink and black, the other bright yellow and black (hopefully not a Hawkeye fan).  I’ve wanted to make a hot pink and black one, love those colors.

So that’s where I’m at.  Made one last Christmas tree and now I’m back in Happypotamus Land.  I’ll post updates at some point, have just about all the motifs completed for the hot pink hippo.

My last tree of the season:

Latest Addition

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